Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are you an accomplished leader of professional teams?

Are you an accomplished leader of professional teams? Do you have the desire to own a professional services company and lead a team of Business offering consistent cash flow and high revenue growth? If so, the ActionFIRM may be right for you. The Firm model is a professional services company with an Operation Department of Business Coaches, a Sales and Marketing Department, and an Administration Department. The Franchisee can be a Business Coach or be the CEO, leading the team. With great revenue growth, consistent monthly cash flow, and the high level of client retention our proven retention systems provide, the Firm model offers an appreciating Business Asset. As you grow your revenues and profits, so will you grow the Asset value of your company, leading towards one of our proven exit strategies.

Are you looking to transition your professional skills into your own business and run a flexible, low-overhead business-model?

Are you looking to transition your professional skills into your own business and run a flexible, low-overhead business-model? The Action Practice may be right for you. The Practice model is a one coach business with no employees needed where you bring great value to the small and medium sized businesses in your community. Maybe it's time to discover what our Coaches and their clients around the world already know: an Action franchise just might be the best thing to happen to your career.


Do you know that there is need for professional services grows each year?. Recently, business and executive coaching as an industry was pegged as the second-fasting growing business category behind Information Tech.This growth has helped establish business Action as the #1 Business Franchise in the World by Entrepreneur Magazine for the fifth consecutive year. Find out for yourself what other professionals have already discovered for themselves: a franchise opportunity in a growing industry that allows them to use their business skills and abilities to help other companies grow and prosper.
And the best part? The more your clients grow, the more you will, too. Interested to discuss if you have what it takes to become a business man? if this business is the right vehicle to help you achieve your goals. Not everyone can be a Business man. But, if this kind of opportunity excites you, AND you want to see if you might be a fit, do the free visit or call +2347057269545,+2348067324663, or E-mail and we’ll start the process of finding out…

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Run Successful Business do call 08067324663

Run a Successful Home Business
It has become easier than ever to start a home based business with the explosion of the Internet. People are now able to start businesses with limited resources or investment. With that, you see mothers, fathers, grandparents, and students who embark on the journey of starting a home
based business. Unfortunately, that also means they often lack the necessary tools and fundamental basics that are needed to run a successful work at home businessWhile a home business is based out of your home, it's still a business, and must be treated as such to reach your goals. Often times, a home based business is much more difficult to run than your tranditional idea of a business, because the line between work and home life often collide. You may think a business plan is unnecessary - you're just a small business and you already know what your plans are and what your path will be. Even if you don't plan to obtain a loan or grant, a business plan will help keep you focused and organized.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Aliyu book has so many great ideas in it, I guess I was bound to find something useful. The really interesting thing to me about this book was how many of these ideas can play into each other, or into other marketing campaigns, if you just look with an eye toward connecting the dots. Guerrilla marketing at its finest! I use some of these ideas to help friends and clients get started making some extra money, and get them headed toward financial independence. Feels good, and very much worth doing.

I couldn't stop reading

‘Cash Generators"! Great, useful ideas that you can immediately put to use right now to get extra money. I intend to use one of the ideas right away that should put thousands in my pocket in the next few months

Well, I was prepared for a few next to impossible ideas on how to generate money. I was VERY pleasantly suprised at the ideas found in your book. Not only were the ideas great for making money quickly but also came with complete instructions on how it was to be done. I've ordered lots of ebooks that give you the idea but never the "how to" steps necessary to do it. Your book is so complete I don't see how anyone could fail to generate money doing this. I appreciate the fact that you gave more than you advertised. You've renewed my faith in ebooks again. Thanks again. I have to run.....lots of ideas to get started on from you book Blogspot.

I highly recommend this to stay-at-home mothers and parents who just want to be flexible to their kids. I run a website geared toward families and have recomended this book to parents looking to make real money. The ideas listed here are not the worn out ones that exist everywhere on the web but really don't produce real money. The ideas in this e-book are fresh and real money makers.

Boy am I glad I bought this product! I actually feel protected, in a way, because I know I won't be hurting for money anytime soon. Welcome to my word

Saturday, October 24, 2009


ways to make money online, partly because it makes a good headline. No, solely because it makes a good headline. It sucked YOU in, didn't it?
No, you won't get anything for nothing but there are a lot of things you can get for nearly nothing. Like getting to pick holes in my list. Go ahead. Pick holes and then link back here to show people how stupid I am.
I've put together a lot of these ideas from thousands of hours discussing businesses for sale with their owners. They've shared with me how their businesses operate, how they make money online, how they built their businesses up etc. They've given me access to their traffic stats, their earnings and accounts and tax figures. Many even gave me access to their Adsense or other "main earner" accounts. Some of those businesses were so irresistible that I bought them. And sold them. And bought others. It's a game. I love it.
Most of these business ideas can be run from anywhere in the world, even the United States, Australia and other non-English speaking countries. For consistency sake all figures are quoted in US dollars.
Each method is summarised in a single small para so appreciate it's not the complete unabridged version. And, no, I haven't tried each one so out of the 99 business models to make money online 100 may be completely dud. But, I do intend expanding - in due course - on some of the money-making ideas that worked for me.

Blog ways of making money online

Another way of making money online is by you using blog.
Create blog does not take much to do it, all u need to do is to take your time and create it and follow the link.The steps for creating blogger are as follows

1. Login to website
2. Open a google account
3.You can now create your blog now or login to www.blogger .com